Looking Forward, and Forward-Looking
by Wade Pack, Managing Partner
As we kick off the new year this month, I want to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your trust, and the reliance you place on us. It is an honor to serve you. Please always remember that’s how we feel at BRC, and that we promise to continually earn your trust and provide you with the peace of mind that we’re here for you, ready to deliver on the things you need to be successful.
What are some of those things we’ve been addressing recently? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, cybersecurity and data/identity protection, and financial reporting changes related to revenue recognition, leases and not-for-profit organizations, to name just a few. With each of these items, there are substantial changes happening now and coming soon, and everyone at BRC has been hard at work to help stay (and keep you) ahead of the curve.
To accomplish this takes tremendous effort, and each of our staff is dedicated to acquiring and developing the knowledge and skills necessary to make it happen. In fact, on his or her first day with our firm, each newly-hired person enters our BRC Academy, and begins the process of becoming a leader in his or her field, becoming the trusted advisor upon whom so many others will rely.
The Academy is designed for lifelong learning and personal development. Its curriculum encompasses many key facets of a professional’s career: technical knowledge, teambuilding, communications, and of course leadership. And while its focus on leadership includes many things, one of the most notable is the idea that being able to help others succeed is a true sign of a leader. This idea fits perfectly with our firm’s mission, because it underpins why we do what we do. It’s part of our foundation – the biggest part. We are here to help others – to serve – and to do so in ways that are relevant to you, bringing the best ideas and alternatives available to suit your needs, both for today and tomorrow.
That’s why our service delivery approach, as always, is to develop strategies and solutions based on the unique circumstances encountered. That means taking the lead in understanding you, your business, your goals, and then working collaboratively with you and your organization to provide our recommendations – ones which you can be confident will work. And perhaps just as importantly, ones that are designed to take into account how things will work out down the road.
So we enter 2018 with many challenges ahead, and at BRC we’re excited to take on these challenges and to help you and your organization find the right solutions.
We look forward to your success!