Justin White is on secondment at Firm in Edmonton, Alberta Canada

BRC’s  Justin White is on secondment in Edmonton, Alberta Canada working with another DFK International firm – Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP.

We are excited as Justin embarks on Canadian adventures both in business and personally. We have heard from KRP, LLP about his arrival and they have stated, “KRP cannot thank you (BRC) enough for sending us the very talented Justin White …we secretly plan on keeping him a while longer than expected. (We) trust you will not find this too much of an inconvenience. We could send you a token Canadian back?”

We truly enjoy our relationship with Kingston Ross Pasnak LLP and we are happy that Justin is there on assignment.  KRP’s friendliness and sense of humor is something that Justin will quickly understand and incorporate as he has those traits in his own lifestyle.

Follow Justin’s activities and commentary on the Firm’s social media outlets LinkedIn & Facebook.

Andy Harding Headshot 2023_5556

Andy Harding Chief Development Officer

Andy serves as BRC’s Chief Development Officer.  Known as a bold and successful innovator and leader of practice growth,  Andy has nearly 36 years in the business community and 26+ years in the accounting industry.  He possesses extensive knowledge in positioning complex services for owners, CFOs and other “C-level” executives. Andy heads BRC’s strategic […]